Immersive Haunted Adventure Fundraiser

Fundraise | Entertain | Learn

Haunted Mine Contest

A & L is ready for the world to see our Haunted Mine Adventure fundraiser event. To celebrate, we are hosting a contest!

Why a contest?

We only have so many people we can send at once and currently only have one set. While we would love to send a team to each and every school the response already has been overwhelming – which is good!
In future years, we will have more teams and can accommodate more schools! So because of these limitations, we are hosting a contest for 2021. 

The Winning School Receives:

For the lucky winner, we will come to your school – FREE and bring scenery, special effects and members of our team to set up and tech the Haunted Mine Adventure. 

Our NYC Broadway team will work side by side with you and your students to set up, tech and present the adventure. From start to finish we will be there every step of the way to ensure a successful fundraising event for your school. 

As an added bonus, your students will benefit from learning and working with our Broadway experts turning the fundraiser into an educational opportunity of a lifetime!

Haunted Mine Aventure

Host the Adventure

Enter to Win!

A & L Is hosting a contest among schools across the country to become the first organization to produce the Haunted Mine Adventure. If you have not yet read about the contest, please click here to find out more. 

If you already know about the contest and want to apply, you’re in the right place! Please fill out the form below to enter. There are 3 steps. Scroll down to enter or if you have questions please see our faq page.

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Haunted Mine Adventure Entry Form

Estimates are fine

Before you go....

Tell us what you thought of our fundraiser idea?